Project CB “Building capacity for sustainable use of ecosystem services by local communities in mountainous areas”/CAPLOCOM/ – ACTIVITIES RELATED TO PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY
In June 2022, the implementation of the project “Building capacity for sustainable use of ecosystem services by local communities in mountain regions” /CAPLOCOM/, co-financed by the EU through the INTERREG-IPP TGS cross-border cooperation program between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia 2014, ended – 2020 with CCI No. 2014TC16I5CB006. The project partners – SOPD “MAIR – Razlog” – leading partner, Forest Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences /IG-BAS/ and Ecological Association “Zdravets 2002”, Makedonska Kamenica, Republic of North Macedonia within 15 months, starting from March In 2021, the activities foreseen in the project were carried out, leading to enhanced cooperation between Bulgaria and North Macedonia to popularize environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources among the local population, improved and synchronized capacity of the local community for understanding and rational management of mountain ecosystems, resources and their services.
After the completion of the project and with the aim of achieving sustainability of the results, MAIR-Razlog organized visits of students to the Fish Farm “PIRIN”, located on the territory of the municipality of Razlog. Adolescents were informed about the results of the project and among them the need for the protection of biodiversity was popularized. In the future, it is planned to organize eco-campaigns to popularize the protection of the environment and ecosystem services.


Project CB006.2.11.103
Capacity building on sustainable utilization of
ecosystem services by local communities in mountain regions
On May 21, 2022 Forest Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences from Bulgaria organized and held an international final conference on the project “Building capacity for sustainable use of ecosystem services by local communities in mountain areas” /CAPLOCOM/ under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG-IPP TGS between Republic Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia 2014 – 2020
The event was organized jointly with the project partners: Local Agency for Economic Development – Razlog from Bulgaria /leading partner/ and Ecological Association “Zdravets 2002” from North Macedonia.
During the final conference held at the “Tera Complex” hotel in the “Kulinoto” area near the city of Razlog, the goals, activities and achieved results of the project were presented.
An evaluation of the completed project activities was made in front of 89 local stakeholders and guests. Emphasis was placed on the contribution and benefits of the project results, as well as future joint activities were outlined – future opportunities for involving the young generation in similar initiatives and partnerships.

Photos from the closing conference:

Materials and presentations from the closing conference:

Impact of climate change and land use on the resources and services of mountain ecosystems in the transboundary area
Republic of Bulgaria – Republic of Macedonia

for implementation of best practices for the sustainable management of mountain areas in the cross-border region

Long-term Strategy for Enhancing the Integration of Ecosystem
Services concept in the Network of PAs and territorial development of
Mountain areas 2021 – 2031

Long-term strategy for the improvement and integration of an ecosystem concept in the management in the Osogovo Mountains

CB Capacity building on sustainable utilization of ecosystem services by local communities in mountain regions – CAPLOCOM
Subsidy Contract under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance II
No РД 02-29-68/05.03.2021
The 3rd Work Meeting of the Project “Capacity building on sustainable utilization of ecosystem services by local communities in mountain regions”, co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of North Macedonia 2014 – 2020 with CCI № 2014TC16I5CB006 (Acronym: CAPLOCOM; Ref. No: CB Contract No: РД 02-29-68/05.03.2021) took place on 3rd December 2021 in the office of the Lead Partner – Local Economic Development Agency-Razlog, LEDA-Razlog, in Bulgaria, Razlog, 8 Makedonia square.
In the meeting there were representatives for all the partners of the project: Local Economic Development Agency – Razlog, LEDA-Razlog –LP, Environmental Organisation Zdravec 2002 -PP2, Forest Research Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences /FRI-BAS/ – PP3. In total, seven (7) participants representing Project’s Partners participated in the meeting.
Operational tasks related to the implementation of the project were discussed.
The main topic of the work meeting was the coordination of the actions of the partners in relation to the implementation of the following main project Activities: 2 “Analysis of the impact of climate and land-use change on mountain ecosystems’ resources and services in cross border area” /responsible partner PP3 – Forest Research Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences/ and 4 “Development of Long-term Strategy for enhancing the integration of Ecosystem Services concept in the Network of Protected Areas and territorial development of mountain areas” /responsible for the implementation of this activity are all project partners/. The project progress was discussed among the partners and we found out that all project partners are currently implementing their activities according to the parameters set in the project and without deviations from the timetable set in the Application form.
The joint activities on the forthcoming tasks were planned for the next quarter in 2022.