– Latest Project

The vision for the coming decades that defines our business is to seek and participate in programs that contribute to a high standard of living and a competitive, low-carbon economy. To develop and implement innovations in every sector of the economy, adapting to the changing world through its highly educated, creative, solidary and healthy society. It is a fertile ground for ideas and an attraction for investment and human capital. The unique cultural and natural resources of the region are used responsibly and sustainably. To be integrated with each other and with the world through high-speed road and optical connections, establishing the country’s place as a crossroads of ideas and goods in Europe and beyond. The Bulgarian citizen plays an active role in the future of his country, has rich opportunities for personal and professional development and lives in a just and tolerant society in which his voice is heard.


Rural development program 2014-2020.

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 2014-2020

Administrative contract No. BG06RDNP001-19.443-0001-C01/09.09.2021 for the provision of grant-in-aid under measure 19.2.323 “Development and promotion of territorial identity” from the Strategy for Community-Led Local Development of the SNC “MIG-Razlog” , financed under the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

Name of the project: “Local initiatives for the territorial identity of Razlog”

Budget: BGN 143,560.00

Start date: 09.09.2021

Deadline for implementation: 30.06.2023

Main goal of the project: To apply an integrated approach, combining activities to preserve, develop and popularize the local cultural and natural identity on the territory of Razlog municipality as a valuable resource for life and tourist offer in rural areas. Concrete (specific) goals:

1. To study, document and present in a book and film the territorial identity of Razlog municipality as a new tourist product promoting the destination;

2. To build partnerships and create a network between local organizations with a cultural and ecological orientation for joint initiatives aimed at sustainable development based on natural and cultural heritage; 3. To activate the representatives of the local community, incl. of vulnerable and minority groups (Roma); 4. Through appropriate activities and materials intended for representatives of different age and social groups, to promote the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, the protection of natural wealth and the environment.

The planned activities of the project are:

Studies, analyses, plans and programs related to local territorial identity (traditions, culture and nature) and environmental protection awareness;

Networking with local organizations and institutions for joint planning and holding of informational and educational forums and local initiatives for preservation and development of natural and cultural heritage as an environment for living and tourism;

Photo exhibition “Cultural and natural diversity of the Razlog region”;

Holding a holiday in nature with an exhibition of local natural and organic products and tasting of local foods;

Environmental campaigns to clean up natural and urban areas with the participation of representatives of different age, social and ethnic groups.

Video productions: a film about Razlog and the Villages (a tourist product promoting local identity) and educational videos informing about environmental issues and care;

Provision of materials (with logos and name of the project) for the initiatives and campaigns with an ecological, cultural and tourist focus;

Informational and educational family sets, including: Educational board game “Culture and nature – learn Reason”; Drawing book “I draw my hometown” and a box of pencils; Book “Reason: Traditions and Nature for the Future”;

Project information and publicity activities: project poster and information brochure; information table.


Contract No. B6.3a.28/26.04.2021 for the project “Empowering businesses Seeking Growth”,/SeeG under priority axis 1: Competitive and innovative cross-border region, investment priority 3a – Encouraging entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic use of new ideas and encouraging the creation of new companies, including through business incubators of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020

Project Name: Empowering Businesses Seeking Growth

Acronym: SeeG

Leading partner – Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Rhodopes, Greece


University of Macedonia / Research Committee / Department of Business Administration

Agency for Economic Development-Bansko
Local Agency for Economic Development-Razlog

Total budget: 588,832.74 €

Бюджет СОПД „МАИР-Разлог”: 148 265.60 €

Duration: 24 months

Start date: 26.04.2021

Project goals:

The proposed network of actions includes interventions in the area of increasing entrepreneurial culture, supporting business creation, building new skills and supporting new and/or existing businesses. A supportive environment for entrepreneurs (including start-ups) will be fostered by tailoring services to their real needs, encouraging positive media coverage and bringing them together.

Expected results of the project:

The main results of the project, which will significantly improve the conditions for entrepreneurship in the TG region and will contribute to the main goals of the project, are:

  • the implementation of network actions such as round tables, business forums, thematic seminars and a platform for partnership opportunities, contributing to the promotion of transnational cooperation;
  • the development of a strategic framework for business growth, containing a mapping study for the TRegion of best practices at the EU level in the areas of innovation, extroversion and CSR;
  • improving the SME support system by developing training materials, including webinars and toolkits;
  • conducting trainings focused on the organization and management of SMEs, with an emphasis on crisis periods, viable financial instruments and debt recovery techniques, low-cost IT, efficient technologies, growth accelerators, constraint eliminators, etc.
  • the implementation of stimulating business skills sessions focused on 2 main categories, profiling beneficiaries (a) promoting personal growth, self-confidence and networking skills for new or would-be entrepreneurs and (b) business adaptation to new requirements of ISO standards, risk analysis – management, business continuity plan, GDPR, etc.
  • the implementation of thematic seminars, including study visits, focused on innovation management, extroversion, social economy, start-up companies, assessment of funding opportunities, equal opportunities and non-discrimination in business, e-commerce and cyber security
  • the development of a model for supporting entrepreneurship, including the provision of consulting services at the business level or group, personalized consulting services and business coaching for entrepreneurs.

Main activities of SOPD “MAIR-Razlog”:

  • Production of printed materials;
  • Organization of 1 press conference;
  • Organization of 3 round tables;
  • Personnel engaged before, during and after the two INNO & EXTRO forum events;
  • Development of learning materials – knowledge transfer tools;
  • Increasing the qualification for adapting skills for enterprises in crisis situations;
  • Application of stimulating business skills short sessions;
  • Implementation of two-day thematic seminars;

• Implementation of business support based on business level or overall group, personalized consulting services and business coaching for entrepreneurs.

On 05/03/2021, SOPD “MAIR – Razlog” signed Subsidy Agreement No. RD-02-29-68/05.03.2021 under the project “Building capacity for sustainable use of ecosystem services by local communities in mountainous areas” under the INTERREG-IPP TGS cross-border cooperation program between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia 2014 – 2020, with reference number CCI 2014TC16I5CB006


Project title: Building capacity for sustainable use of ecosystem services by local communities in mountainous areas
Lead partner: Local Agency for Economic Development – Razlog, Bulgaria
Project partners : Ecological association “Zdravets 2002”, North Macedonia; Forest Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Priority Axis: Environment

Specific purpose: 1.1. Environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in the cross-border region;
Duration: 15
Total budget (in euros): 96,670.39
Project activities: International seminar on “Increasing awareness and willingness to cooperate in building capacity for better management of natural resources” Analysis of the impact of changes in climate and land use on the resources and services of mountain ecosystems in the transboundary region; Development of a long-term strategy to strengthen the integration of the concept of ecosystem services in the network of protected areas and the territorial development of mountain areas
Expected results of the project: Enhanced cooperation between Bulgaria and Macedonia to popularize the local population for environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources. Improved and synchronized local community capacity to understand and rationally manage mountain ecosystems, their resources and services
Target groups: Local communities of the transboundary region, scientists, representatives of environmental and youth NGOs, public authorities responsible for nature management, logging countries, schools, universities and other stakeholders from both countries

The project is co-financed by the EU through the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG-IPP TGS between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia 2014 – 2020, with reference number CCI 2014TC16I5CB006

Project: Paths for accessible tourist heritage
Local Agency for Economic Development – Razlog signed a contract on 15.12.2017. for implementation of a project within the Cooperation Program “INTERREG V-A Greece Bulgaria” 2014 – 2020
Project: Paths for accessible tourist heritage
Acronym: Access2Heritage
Priority Axis Sustainability – Adaptability to climate
Investment priority 6c
Leading partner: Management structure of the National Park for the Rhodope Mountains region
Partners: Rhodope Ecosworld Association, Local Agency for Economic Development – Razlog, Volvi Municipality, National Confederation of People with Disabilities, Northern Greece Branch, Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia, Regional Youth Parliament Association – Kardzhali, Bulgaria
Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia, Faculty of Business Administration in Serres, Union of the Disabled in Bulgaria
Budget: € 1,295,840.00
The main goal of the project is to support the sustainable development of cultural tourism in the cross-border area and to establish the region as an international destination for adults and accessible tourism, including people with disabilities and chronic diseases, the elderly and their families.
The aim of the project is:
• exchange and introduce know-how and good practices related to improving the accessibility of cultural and natural heritage structures (activities between people)
• Improving the accessibility and attendance of the selected cultural and natural heritage in the cross-border areas (construction works)
• Improving the environmental performance of supported structures for better energy consumption, waste management and protection, etc. (greening of maintained sites)
• improve the capacity of authorities responsible for the management of cultural and natural heritage assets, as well as tourism professionals (eg guides, travel agents, event organizers, transport services, etc.) for construction activities of capacity.
• raising awareness of local stakeholders, especially young people, about the potential of tourism tourism, the importance of adopting strategies for sustainable development and inclusive design, etc. (awareness activities)
• collects data related to the accessibility and convenience of visitors with disabilities and elderly visitors to key cultural and natural resources in the border areas (field studies)
• to improve the visibility of cultural and natural landmarks that are accessible and friendly to all through electronic and physical media, campaigns, etc., by preparing an informative guide for all visitors with useful information about the elderly and people with disabilities.
• conducts a joint study of the strategic planning regarding the brands of the cross-border area as an international tourist destination for the elderly and people with disabilities, with high quality at a low to medium price (policies and plans)
• measuring the satisfaction and behavior of adults and visitors with disabilities in the assisted structures and in the cross-border area as a whole (studies on the behavior and satisfaction of tourists). The project will be based on the relevant experience of the partners.

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund /ERDF/ and by the national funds of the participating countries in the INTERREG V-A “Greece – Bulgaria 2014 – 2020” Cooperation Programme

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Проектът е съфинансиран от Европейския Фонд за Регионално Развитие /ЕФРР/ и от националните фондове на участващите страни в Програмата за сътрудничество ИНТЕРРЕГ V-A “Гърция – България 2014 - 2020”

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund /ERDF/ and by the national funds of the participating countries in the INTERREG V-A "Greece - Bulgaria 2014 - 2020" Cooperation Programme

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