– Hotel Pirin Residence

Pirin Residence Hotel

Located 7 km from Bansko, opposite the main entrance of the Bansko Golf Course, Pirin Residence offers free WiFi and free private parking. An on-site fitness and spa center is available at an additional cost.

Pirin Residence covers an area of ​​10,000 square meters and has a restaurant, lobby bar, entertainment facilities, landscaped gardens and many other amenities. The building is located opposite the entrance to the 18-hole golf course and offers scenic views of the surrounding mountains.

Address: Betolovoto area

2760 Razlog, Bulgaria

GPS coordinates: N 41º 51 ‘16.7 “E0 23º 24’ 21.7”


Our Partners

Проектът е съфинансиран от Европейския Фонд за Регионално Развитие /ЕФРР/ и от националните фондове на участващите страни в Програмата за сътрудничество ИНТЕРРЕГ V-A “Гърция – България 2014 - 2020”

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund /ERDF/ and by the national funds of the participating countries in the INTERREG V-A "Greece - Bulgaria 2014 - 2020" Cooperation Programme

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