– The Painted Church

The Painted Church

GPS coordinates: N 41.859686, E 23.412377

Near the Pirin Golf Complex, at 7 km from the town of Razlog in Betolovoto locality, there are two churches from different ages built in one another. The first one was dated to the 5th-6th century, and the second – to the 13th-14th century. The small one-nave and one-narthex church called the Painted Church is an Early-Christian basilica that some claim to have been a part of an early monastery complex. Archeologists have found fragments of murals showing the existence of a decoration of geometrical and stylized ornaments. In the Middle Ages, another church was constructed on the same spot. The archaeological complex has been partially conserved which gives access to both churches’ remains. Other medieval monuments in the vicinity are the White Church and the church of Sveti Nikola.

Our Partners

Проектът е съфинансиран от Европейския Фонд за Регионално Развитие /ЕФРР/ и от националните фондове на участващите страни в Програмата за сътрудничество ИНТЕРРЕГ V-A “Гърция – България 2014 - 2020”

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund /ERDF/ and by the national funds of the participating countries in the INTERREG V-A "Greece - Bulgaria 2014 - 2020" Cooperation Programme

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