– Information center – the village of Banya

Address: Banya village, 1 Parva Street

Working hours: Tuesday – Saturday 9:30. – 18:30

Day off – Sunday and Monday

tic.banya@abv.bg, tel: +359 888 393 407

Come and feel the magic of water!

Car, bus, bicycle, pedestrian. Available for people with reduced mobility. Parking – free.

Tourist tour of the village of Banya with a guide.

Individual visits:

  1. Visit to 1 site: Adults – BGN 3; pupils, students, pensioners – BGN 2; Talk / up to 10 people / – BGN 3
  2. Route ticket (2 sites): adults – BGN 5; pupils, students, pensioners – BGN 3; Talk / up to 10 people / – BGN 5
  3. Route ticket (3 sites): adults – BGN 6; pupils, students, pensioners – BGN 4. Talk / up to 10 people / – BGN 5

Children up to 7 years and people with disabilities – free of charge.

Group visits / over 10 people /:

  1. Visit to 1 site: Adults – BGN 2; pupils, students, pensioners – BGN 1; Talk / up to 10 people / – BGN 3
  2. Route ticket (2 sites): adults – BGN 4; pupils, students, pensioners – BGN 1.5; Talk / up to 10 people / – BGN 5
  3. Route ticket (3 sites): adults – BGN 5; pupils, students, pensioners – BGN 2. Talk / up to 10 people / – BGN 5

Children up to 7 years and people with disabilities – free of charge.

Our Partners

Проектът е съфинансиран от Европейския Фонд за Регионално Развитие /ЕФРР/ и от националните фондове на участващите страни в Програмата за сътрудничество ИНТЕРРЕГ V-A “Гърция – България 2014 - 2020”

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund /ERDF/ and by the national funds of the participating countries in the INTERREG V-A "Greece - Bulgaria 2014 - 2020" Cooperation Programme

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